Senin, 01 September 2008

AYURVEDA, a Holistic approach towards better Health

Ayurveda Series are treated and blended by K-Link
K-LINK K-Ayurveda – A Holistic Approach towards Better Health
Doctor Roopam - Ayurveda expert said that: “Ayurveda has been as an alternative to Western medicine for many years now and with that K-LINK International has taken advantage of this opportunity to bring the benefits of this ancient medicinal system for all”.
Here at K-LINK International, Doctor Roopam: “… its K-LINK Ayurveda products are accepted worldwide as a complimentary herbal supplement taken for the general well-being”.
He recommended: “K-LINK Ayurveda products deal elaborately with measures of positive healthy living. By harnessing the power of nature for our well-being, K-LINK Ayurveda teaches us how to be healthy and stay healthy” (source:

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